Voyage Of The Little Mermaid

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Show Length: 17 minutes

This show combines live-action, puppetry, and film scenes to create the story of the little mermaid.  When choosing a seat, keep in mind that some of the puppeteers wear black clothing, so if you sit too close to the stage it takes away from the illusion. 

The show begins with a rendition of "Under the Sea", followed by Ariel wishing she could live on land.  Ursula then makes a deal with Ariel and takes her voice.  The theater comes alive with scenes from the film and the illusion that the audience is underwater. 

The show concludes with Ariel's transformation from a mermaid into a human and is reunited with her love Eric.  

July 2018

June 2014

July 2011

July 2010

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July 2007

July 2006

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