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Rainforest Cafe recreates a tropical rain forest, utilizing a combination of live and animated wildlife and special effects. Upon entering the Rainforest Cafe, you'll be greeted by lush vegetation, live tropical birds, simulated thunder and lightning, rain showers, vast rock formations, talking trees, crocodiles, primates, graceful butterflies, all surrounded by the sounds and smells of the rain forest. Set against a backdrop of tremendous saltwater fish tanks, cascading waterfalls, and huge banyan trees.

Cuisine: American, Seafood
Hours: 11:30am – 11pm (Fri & Sat - 12AM )
Priority Seating not accepted.
Meals: Lunch & Dinner
Specialties: Chicken Monsoon, Islands in the Stream, Rumble in the Jungle, Gorilla Grilled Cheese, Amazon Albacore, and many exotic choices.

July 2015

July 2012

July 2011

July 2010

July 2009

July 2008

July 2007

July 2004

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