New! Lights, Motors, Action! Extreme Stunt Show
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Show Length: 35 minutes
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Learn the tricks behind the stunts from your favorite action movies.  Guests discover the secrets behind exciting car jumps, riveting explosions, and more in this action packed show. Inspired by the popular "Stunt Show Spectacular" at Disneyland Paris, "Lights, Motors, Action! Stunt Show" made it's debut on May 4, 2005.

Disney officials say; "the high-octane stunt show features specially designed cars, motorcycles and jet skis, plus special effects -- with audience members pulled into the fun. Insiders will reveal show secrets, detailing how stunts are created, designed and filmed for the movies. Filmed images are revealed on an oversized screen, illustrating how the use of different camera angles can add drama to filmed scenes." The stunt show is part of a large renovation underway on the back lot area of MGM Studios. The rehab includes new cityscapes, adding Chicago and San Francisco to the park's existing New York City skyline.

January 2016



March 2011

July 2008

July 2005

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